R.C. Náutico de Castellón



1. Identification of the Owner


In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, users are informed that the owner of this website is SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE, a legal entity with Tax Identification Number (TIN) V72767072 and registered in the Commercial Register of Castellón under volume 1803, book, section, folio 95, sheet CS-42658, entry 1st. The registered address of the entity is located at c/Obispo Salinas, 71, 12003 Castelló de la Plana, Castelló.


For any inquiries or contact, you can do so via email at hola@somfestival.es, the website www.somfestival.es, or by calling the contact phone number 964184077.


Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users and implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions, and terms of use contained therein.


Terms and Conditions of Website Use


2.1 Acceptance of the terms


Accessing and using the website www.somfestival.es (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), owned by SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE, as well as the acquisition of the products and services offered, imply the reading and unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”). The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to inform users about their rights, obligations, and restrictions that apply when browsing and using the Website.


Therefore, by accessing, browsing, registering, and using the Website, you (the “User”) acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions, as well as all applicable laws and regulations that are part of Spanish legislation. If the User does not agree to these Terms and Conditions, they must refrain from using the Website.


2.2 Service Description


SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE provides information about the music festival through its website www.somfestival.es. This includes details about the event, its schedule, the artists performing, activities taking place during the festival, as well as ticket sales and possible add-ons.


Additionally, the website offers a platform for purchasing tickets and festival-related products. Users can create an account to manage their tickets and preferences, as well as receive updates and news about the festival.


The service aims to provide users with the opportunity to purchase festival tickets and access relevant and up-to-date information about the event.


2.3 Usage Restrictions


The User agrees not to use the Website for activities that are contrary to the law, morals, good customs, or public order, and commits to not engage in activities that infringe upon or violate the rights of SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE or third parties.


It is prohibited to alter or modify any part of the website, bypass our security measures, engage in acts that generate an undue or excessive burden on our infrastructure, or interfere with the normal functioning of the website.


Reproduction, distribution, or modification of the website’s content without the prior written consent of SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE is strictly prohibited.


Any infringement may result in the termination of your access to the website, in addition to exposing the user to civil and/or criminal claims.


2.4 Intellectual and Industrial Property


All intellectual and industrial property rights regarding the contents and/or services of the website belong to SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE or, where applicable, third parties. The user acknowledges and agrees that accessing and using the website does not grant them any rights over the contents and/or services displayed on it, nor any intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the contents and/or services.


Under no circumstances does the user’s access and use of the website imply a waiver, transfer, license, or assignment, in whole or in part, of said rights by SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE or, where applicable, the rights holder.


Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, extraction, or any other form of unauthorized dissemination of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph is expressly prohibited. The user undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE.


Any use or exploitation of any content and/or services included on the website without the authorization of SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE will be considered an infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights and will result in the legally established responsibilities.


2.5 Account Registration and Security


To use certain services or access specific content, users must register and create an account with a username and password. The user agrees to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the registration process and to update such information to keep it accurate, current, and complete.


The user is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and account and is fully responsible for all activities that occur under their logged-in session.


The user must notify SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE of any unauthorized use of their account or any other security breach. SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE will not be liable for any losses or damages that may occur as a result of the use of the password or account by another person, whether with or without the user’s knowledge.


2.6 Termination


In the event of a user’s breach of the Terms and Conditions of this website, SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE reserves the right to: (a) terminate their access to the Website, (b) deactivate or delete any of their accounts and all information and files related to the account, and/or (c) prohibit future use of the Website.


SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE also reserves the right to pursue all available legal and equitable remedies.


2.7 Modification of the terms

SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to update, modify, or remove these Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the User to periodically review the Terms and Conditions to stay informed of such modifications. By continuing to use the Website after the posting of modifications to these Terms and Conditions, the User accepts such modifications.


General Terms and Conditions of Contract


3.1 Acceptance and Incorporation of the Contract


These General Terms and Conditions govern the services and/or products provided on the website of SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE (hereinafter referred to as the “Promoter”), with VAT number: V72767072, and registered address at Obispo Salinas, 71, 12003 Castellón de la Plana (CASTELLÓN).


The General Terms and Conditions are established without prejudice to the Specific Conditions that may apply to certain specific services and/or products available on the website.


By publishing these General Terms and Conditions in a prominent and visible section of the website, the user is guaranteed knowledge of these conditions, and their acceptance implies the user’s full acceptance of them. It is the responsibility of the user to carefully read all the conditions.


Specific conditions may apply to certain products and/or services provided to users through the website, access to and/or use of which are subject to such conditions. Depending on the circumstances, these specific conditions may replace, complement, and/or modify the General Terms and Conditions.


If the user disagrees with the content of these General Terms and Conditions, they must refrain from accessing and operating through the website.


We reserve the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions and will provide advance notice of such modifications by publishing them on the same medium. It is the responsibility of the user to carefully read the General Terms and Conditions at the time of each access and/or use.

3.2 Ticket Purchase

a.Purchase Process: To acquire the offered products and/or services, the user must follow the purchase process established on the website, during which they must accept these General Terms and Conditions of Contract. The contract will be considered formalized once the user completes the purchase process by activating the corresponding button. Tickets can only be purchased through authorized sales channels designated by the Promoter, namely, www.somfestival.es and authorized ticketing platforms. The Promoter shall not be responsible for tickets not purchased through these authorized sales channels.

Prices and Payments: All prices of the products and/or services indicated on the website are expressed in Euros and include the corresponding VAT. Payment shall be made through the means made available to the user on the website.

Product Delivery and Service Provision: The purchased tickets will be delivered in electronic format to the email address provided by the user. Other purchased products will be delivered to the address indicated by the user during the purchase process, within the timeframe specified on the website.

Right of Withdrawal and Returns: The purchase of tickets for shows is one of the exceptions to the right of withdrawal; therefore, the right of withdrawal or returns does not apply to tickets.

3.3 Event Access

Tickets purchased for a music event grant access to the designated venue as specified on the purchase ticket. The entity reserves the right to sell tickets for different events, which will be announced through the same medium.

Any altered, damaged, or counterfeit ticket will result in the bearer being denied access to the music venue, without prejudice to the exercise of any civil and/or criminal actions that may apply. Please note that electronic security checks using ticket fraud detection technology will be conducted at the entrance of the venue.

Tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged unless the event is fully canceled or its date is modified.

Modifications and Cancellations

The Promoter reserves the right to modify, suspend, or alter any of the activities and performances listed in the lineup. If the cancellation is total, the Promoter will refund the ticket price, except for the distribution cost, which is a service provided by the sales channels at the time of ticket purchase. The refund conditions will be published through the same medium.

Under no circumstances will the ticket price be refunded if the cancellation occurs after the festival has started.

If the event is canceled due to Covid-19 or any of its variants, the promoter will offer the user the option to exchange their ticket for another ticket with a new date set by the promoter within one year from the date of the cancellation or rescheduling announcement. Alternatively, the user may request a refund of the ticket price through the channels provided by the promoter (hola@somfestival.es) within fourteen calendar days from the publication of the cancellation or rescheduling announcement.


Users with disabilities requiring special services should inform us by sending an email to the address: hola@somfestival.es.

Theft or Loss

We are not responsible for theft or loss of belongings at the music venue.



We reserve the right of admission, and access or stay at the music venue may be denied to attendees who:

Contravene the instructions of the Promoter (prohibition of access to restricted areas or areas designated for purposes other than user recreation, etc.)

Behave violently or disrupt the normal course of the event.

Possess or traffic drugs. Are in a highly intoxicated or drug-intoxicated state.

Introduce, carry, or use any kind of weapons or objects that could have the same effect, such as sharp or cutting items, or objects deemed dangerous for safety.

Food and beverages are not allowed to be brought into the music venue.

Engage in annoying, unsanitary, harmful, dangerous, or illegal activities. In any case, expulsion from the music venue will result in the non-refund of the ticket price.

Derechos de propiedad intelectual e imagen

Quedan reservados todos los derechos de imagen y propiedad intelectual procedentes de cualquier celebración o actuación artística que tengan lugar dentro de cualquiera de los recintos en los que trabaje SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE.

No se permite grabar, captar o filmar imágenes y sonidos sin nuestra autorización expresa.

El acceso al evento implica la aceptación y consentimiento por parte de los asistentes a la grabación y difusión de imágenes captadas por los medios de comunicación autorizados, por los patrocinadores del evento para posibles proyecciones en el marco promocional y de marketing, así como en redes sociales, en las que puede aparecer el asistente. Esta cesión de imágenes no comportará contraprestación alguna.


Intellectual Property and Image Rights

All image rights and intellectual property rights arising from any celebration or artistic performance taking place within any of the venues where SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE operates are reserved.

Recording, capturing, or filming images and sounds without our express authorization is not allowed.

Access to the event implies the acceptance and consent of attendees to the recording and dissemination of images captured by authorized media outlets and event sponsors for possible promotional and marketing purposes, as well as on social media platforms, where the attendee may appear. This transfer of images does not entail any compensation.


Information about Privacy Policy


On this website, we collect certain data from our users in order to provide and improve our services. We invite you to review our Privacy Policy for a more comprehensive understanding of how we collect, use, disclose, manage, and protect your personal information. Our Privacy Policy has been designed in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws, and it outlines our practices regarding the information we collect through our services and this website. By using our website, you agree to the practices described in our Privacy Policy.


Information about Cookie Policy


On this website, we use cookies to enhance the user experience and provide essential functionalities. We encourage you to read our Cookie Policy to better understand what cookies are, how we use them on our website, and how you can manage them. This policy details the information we collect through cookies and how that information is used to improve our services. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.


Information about Minors Policy


We have a strong commitment to the protection and safety of minors, both online and during their attendance at the festival. We urge you to read our Minors Policy to learn more about how we protect the privacy and safety of minors who use our services and attend our festival. This policy explains our practices regarding the collection and use of personal information from minors, our measures to ensure their protection, and the specific conditions for the attendance of minors at the festival. By using our website and attending our festival, you agree to the practices described in our Minors Policy.


Limitation of Liability


The user acknowledges and agrees that the use of the website www.somfestival.es is at their sole risk and responsibility.


SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the availability and technical continuity of the operation of the website. In particular, SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content, nor that it is up to date or free of errors. To the extent possible, SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE will carry out all necessary tasks to correct errors, restore communication, and update content.


Furthermore, SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE is not responsible for any damages that may arise from unauthorized third parties obtaining users’ data and their use of the website.


SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE does not generally control the use that users make of the website. In particular, SUMMER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL CASTELLO AIE does not guarantee under any circumstances that users will use the service in accordance with the law, these Terms and Conditions, generally accepted morals and customs, and public order, nor that they will do so diligently and prudently.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction


For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, the ticket purchase process, as well as the development of the festival and activities related to it, Spanish law shall apply, and any disputes arising from these matters shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Castellón de la Plana.




For any inquiries or contact, you can do so via email at hola@somfestival.es, the website www.somfestival.es, or by calling the contact phone number +34964184077.